Persistent Knee Pain

Knee Pain That Comes On Gradually Can Be Very Persistent

Catching it early is vital!

Often when running, you might begin to feel a bit of a “niggly stinging” sensation on the front or outside of the knee.

It might ease off as you continue your run – and be problematic later on in the day or the next run.

It may have eased off, because you eased off on your running, but it came back on your next run.

As time goes on this little bugger presents itself as a sharper stabbing type sensation that will, and does stop you from running.

That’s when most people know they have a problem!

Does this all sound familiar?

What Is Going On?

The overwhelming majority of these type of presentations in the knee are 1 of 2 things:

  1. Patella Tendinopathy / Patella Femoral Pain
  2. ITB Syndrome

The treatment approach to these 2 niggly injuries is similar:

  1. Find out which one it is
  2. Assess the root causes of why these tissues are excessively strained
  3. Implement a treatment & rehab program to address the above issues
  4. Modify your exercise regime before gradually building it back up

A Patella Tendinopathy / Patella Femoral Pain tissues around and/or beneath your kneecap becomes overloaded for various reasons which we will mention. The pain will be located to the front of the knee.

ITB Syndrome is a little more complex. 

The ITB is a string of connective tissue, which runs down the side of your hip bone, to just below the outside of your knee.

Pretty much along the seams of your trousers.

It is an almost tendon-like structure. This band starts to form as an extension from your gluteal muscles and a smaller muscle known as your Tensor Fascia Lata (TFL).

It doesn’t not contract or relax so the band is supposed to be tight. ( TIP: Do not foam roll this. No matter how many times you’re told on Youtube/Instagram.)

For various reasons, this band can cause on irritation on a couple of structures of the outside of the knee.

Finding out what the cause of the issue is even more important than the issue itself. The most common causes we see are:

  • Reduced Ankle Mobility
  • Poor Running Technique
  • Muscle Weakness (these need to be tested to check which ones are)
  • Hip Tightness
  • Sub optimal foot mechanics
jump test demonstration

If You Don't Address The Cause, Prepare To Stay In Pain!

This is why at APC, we strive to simplify this seemingly complex area and get to the true stressor of what is causing the pain.

By way of an accurate assessment, we form a plan based on these findings and each person’s own goals.

We explain this thoroughly and then guide you through your own personalised rehabilitation plan.

We explain this thoroughly and then guide you through your own personalised rehabilitation plan.

Ultimately, we want to empower you with the knowledge and skills so that you can effectively manage and help insure against future knee injuries from occurring.

Have A Niggling Knee?

Why Not Apply For A Free Strategy Session

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